Next-generation Plastic Processing Fair
Plastic is one of the main raw materials and processed products in the mold industry. It has various issues such as changing to materials with less environmental impact and improvement on processing technology. In addition to the efforts of each company and organization to address these issues, this fair will widely disseminate information from next-generation materials, biodegradable plastics and bioplastics to the cutting-edge information.
Exhibit Target
■Biomass/ Biodegradable plastic ■Biodegradable plastic processing ■Recycled plastic processing ■ Various molding machines ■ Energy saving ■ Reuse ■ Recycle, etc.

Manufacturing DX Fair
The manufacturing industry faces many challenges, such as information sharing between sales and technology, streamlining all production processes, and dealing with all kinds of problems associated with automation. This fair will disseminate the latest digitalization on systems, services, machines, etc. that will transform not only companies and organizations that face those challenges for digitalization, but also all production sites where "people" are involved.
Exhibit target
■Industrial robots ■ IoT solutions ■ AI automation/ Labor-saving machines ■ Blowers and coolers ■Dryer, Heater ■Clean room constant temperature room ■Engraving machine ■Security ■ Surveillance, Security cameras ■ Worker management system ■ PLM/PDM, MES (Manufacturing execution system) ■ ERP (Core resource planning) ■ MRP (Material requirements planning) ■ SCADA (Monitoring control system) ■ WMS (Warehouse management system) ■ Production management system ■ Machine operation management system

Forging Technology Fair
Forged products are used as all important safety parts in the machinery industry, and must be produced with stable productivity, high quality, and technical capabilities. Traditional Japanese forged products acceptable conditions and be highly trusted both domestically and internationally. At this fair, not only the forging industry, but also the equipment-related industries that support the industry will disseminate the latest technology and product information and solve problems and make proposals to promote business.
Exhibit Target
■ Forging machines (Hammers, Cold/Warm/Hot forging presses, Rolling mills, Up setters, etc.) ■ Peripheral equipment, devices (Cutting machines, Heating devices, Inspection/Measuring equipment, etc.) ■ Robots, Automation systems■Molds, Surface treatment ■CAD, CAM, CAE ■Lubricants ■Various forged products ■Molding samples ■Technical PR by forging companies

Auto Parts Manufacturing Technology Fair
This space showcases Japan's auto parts manufacturing technology, which leads the world's manufacturing industry. The automotive industry is undergoing a major transformation with the needs for rapid technological innovation in line with a decarbonized society. From major manufacturers to primary, secondary suppliers, SMEs, this fair will introduce cutting-edge auto parts manufacturing technology.
Exhibit Target
■ Auto parts manufacturer ■ Auto parts supplier ■ Functional parts manufacturing technology ■ Parts manufacturing equipment Machine tools, Machine tools, Tools, Jigs, Precision measuring instruments, Testing equipment, Inspection equipment ■High-performance materials/ High-performance components ■Joint orders/ Development group ■Corporate collaboration/ Industry-academia collaboration group

Aircraft Parts Manufacturing Technology Fair
Small and medium-sized enterprises entering new materials/new material processing technology, space industry/defense industry/defense equipment industry, and energy industry, are the leading players for this fair. Aiming for business matching between SMEs with competitive special technology and high value-added technology and major manufacturers and suppliers, this fair will disseminate information on the industry's latest technology and new materials.
Exhibit Target
■ Manufacturer of aircraft parts ■ Manufacturer of high-performance materials and special materials ■ Equipment manufacturer ■ Interior parts manufacturer ■ Joint orders/ Development group ■ Corporate/ Industry-academia collaboration group