All visitors are required pre-registration. PRE-REGISTRATION


Required required items

Please complete the form below and click Confirm button. You will receive a confirmation email with the visitor pass URL from INTERMOLD secretariat afterwards.
Print out the visitor pass and bring it with you to the exhibition.
You can pick up the holder on site.


  • By providing your address and email address, you will receive contacts by INTERMOLD with updates about the event.
  • Only one time pre-registration permitted per person.
  • Pre-registration required by this form only.
  • This page will close at 16:50 on 18 April.
  • As a matter of legal reason the organizer as well as the INTERMOLD secretariat cannot issue any documents that support foreign visitors to get a Japanese Entry Visa. Please arrange the Visa to enter Japan by yourself.

Company NameRequired
If you have no title, please enter "*"
Reconfirm E-mailRequired
Which exhibition are you
most interested in?Required
Please select your business category
Please select your business category
Please select your business category
Please select your business category
Business fields 1
(Mark all that apply)Required
Business fields 2
(Mark all that apply)Required
It will be printed on the visitor pass.Required
Job Title
It will be printed on the visitor pass.Required
Number of EmployeeRequired
Purpose of visitRequired
Involvement for purchasing or selectionRequired
Please select keywords that will be important for your business.
(Mark all that apply)Required
How do you know the exhibition?
(Mark all that apply)Required