Number of Visitors

*Above number is not including 1,921 VIP Visitors.

Date Weather Number of Visitors TOTAL
INTERMOLD 2016 Die and Mold Asia 2016 Japan Metal Stamping Technology Exhibition 2016
April 20 Fine 5,490 1,458 1,557 8,505
April 21 Rain 6,623 1,541 1,468 9,632
April 22 Fine 8,408 2,456 1,981 12,845
April 23 Fine, later Cloudy 11,165 2,962 2,647 16,774
TOTAL 31,686 8,417 7,653 47,756

Thank you for your visiting!

INTERMOLD 2017 / Die & Mold Asia 2017 / JAPAN METAL STAMPING TECHNOLOGY EXHIBITION 2017 will be held from April 12(Wed.) to 15(Sat.) 2017.
